The TraderMinute Guarantee

While no one can guarantee specific trade and trading results, we can guarantee your yearly membership to TraderMinute.

How it Works

  • If a TraderMinute Trading Challenge does not reach the $10K mark during your membership period, an additional 14 months of full membership is added to your account for free.
  • If a TraderMinute Trading Challenge does not reach the 10K mark during your second 14 months of membership, get your membership fees refunded.

Who Is Eligible?

This guarantee applies to those who buy a full year membership. The full year membership cost is $7,200 and comes with 2 free additional months.

That's 14 months of full access to the training and trading at TraderMinute.

Let's Compare


Traditional Options Coaching $10,000 - $25,000
TraderMinute $7,200 for 14 months

Taught how to trade options

Traditional Options Coaching

A Trading Plan of Action

Traditional Options Coaching

Personal Insight from Coach

Traditional Options Coaching

Personal Insight from a Live Trader

Traditional Options Coaching Rarely

Real time trades and alerts

Traditional Options Coaching

Trading Results Guarantee

Traditional Options Coaching
TraderMinute Yearly (+2 months) Subscription

Live Streams Showing Live Trades

Traditional Options Coaching

Comprehensive Real Time Trade Analysis

Traditional Options Coaching

Interactive Live Streams

Traditional Options Coaching Rarely